697 copies of FLIGHTSUIT sold in January!
Wow. I am really pleased with the book's sales in January. This was the first full month of sales since the book was published on December 2, 2013. Watching new readers come on board every day is a great encouragement and blessing.
Every day there are more people who want to see how the story of Ethan, Leo and Hack comes together in the sequel, FLIGHTPACK. The sequel promises to be, in every way, better than the first book. I can't wait to share it with you all, and the new readers who every day join our journey with them.
I think science fiction appeals to our drive to discover. We want to see what's around the next corner, for technology, for people's lives, for the way we all interact with each other. I'd like these books to deliver for that drive. I believe we all share it. I'd like the story to be compelling in a way that we can directly identify with our own lives, either by remembering how we felt in these key moments, or anticipating how they might feel in the future.
Welcome aboard!