5 Stars!
Leo is a young boy and poor, in fact very poor. Which assures his status as an outsider in almost all situations and allows him lots and lots of time, on his own. In his part of Tennessee, rural hill country, there are many abandoned mines and even a few abandoned towns. Leo not having lots of indoor toys, video games and other things, spends time a lot of time exploring these lost remnants. Then suddenly every thing changes, Leo unearths part of an advanced alien flight suit. Semi-sentient if not fully sentient, this flight suit has captured Leo! Captured within itself and it has Leo helping him find all the missing pieces. The goal is to regain full suit strength and full flight capabilities. Then and only then can it return to it’s planet of origin, with Leo. The whole concept scares Leo and when the government becomes involved it gets worse, it seems to Leo as if there’s no way out, at least no way out, without the suits help!
Well written and creative with detailed, rich environments. The characters are interesting and engaging. This is an enjoyable tale with an interesting premise.
5 Stars!
Kind of reminiscent of a Heinlein juvenile. There aren’t many lighthearted but well crafted young adult books around these days.
5 Stars!
Filled with feeling and poetic description. Much deeper and realistic characters than many other sci-fi. Cant wait for next book!
5 Stars!
Entropy and a child’s wasting disease; a shared love for exploration; a sapient suit with extraordinary powers of communication, defense, travel and offense; these are some of the concepts explored in Flightsuit, wrapped in both teen and adult angst, governmental plotting and hope for the future. Beautifully written,this sci-fi novel has created a new sub-genre, an increasingly rare occurrence. I loved this book and am awaiting the sequel in the hope that it will continue in the same way.
5 Stars!
I just finished reading FlightSuit for the second time. I enjoyed it just as much the second time. In Hollywood speak its Iron Man meets Limitless in the northeast Tennessee mountains. Since I liked all of those it was reasonable that I liked this book. I will definitely watch for sequels.
5 Stars!
I picked this up having come up against the pain of running into the end of a series. Now I have to await ANOTHER book!
The Flightsuit begins in Tennessee, but one can see it won’t end there! The author’s vision of alien technology is imaginative and well considered! I had expected a more technological book, but feared a book full of characters’ feelings and perhaps unnecessary details of the background. What I got was something near perfect. We do spend a lot of time getting to know the characters of this breakout book, but it is far from slow, nor is it boring. Particularly when we meet Taylor. He turns out to be a very complicated character with more than just the average depth thrown in. Ethan, also ends up being more than just the average old man in a story. When we learn of Ray, we get even MORE depth. This particular subject has never been tackled in any book I’ve read! What can I say without giving too much away? The depth of characters, the interest we find, the personal investment we give. It’s all there.
Oh, and technology? The ‘Suit is jam packed full. Have you heard of a neutrino mill? Neither had I, but it makes a certain amount of sense…and why should we be able to completely understand alien technology? No need, but the author does a wonderful job of describing it. What might be more interesting is the…ah…thing that Ethan can do.
The Flightsuit is based in a real region, but it will take you for a wild ride! Give it a chance and you’ll like it! I sure did, and now I’m waiting impatiently for the next one!
5 Stars!
WOW! Really, just wow! I don’t know where I got the preconceived notions about the story line from, perhaps the back flap, or reader reviews, but I pictured a more futuristic dystopian society, it took me a minute to kind of reel that back in and focus on where the story was actually at time-wise.
This book was great, it was a very quick read for me, probably because I literally could NOT put it down. I started it before I went to bed and ended up reading for three hours, I woke up and read it at breakfast, and then every chance I got throughout the day, I ended up reading for another three hours before I went to bed last night, and finished it. I was not disappointed.
Every story, novel, or book, appeals to different people differently. Some people do not like as much descriptive narration, some people don’t necessarily care for so much character development, some people just want all action or suspense all the time. You can not please everyone all the time. With that said, if you read the reviews, and you read the synopsis, and you feel like this might be interesting to you, I’d suggest getting it, support this author, and definitely support him writing the sequel.
5 Stars!
A truly original novel. This book was really a surprise. Unlike other science fiction novels I have read. Good characterization and psychological insight combined with believable science conjecture and a very well-thought out plot. Worth reading, for sure, looking forward to the next one.
5 Stars!
An excellent debut book in what promises to be a great series. I fondly remember reading Heinlein’s 1958 novel, “Have Space Suit Will Travel” as a young teenager when it first appeared, but that was a totally different type of spacesuit, one that was merely a protective covering and a dumb one at that; the “flightsuit” that is the central focus of this novel is a whole different breed of cat.
I really liked this book, from its highly automated, autonomous, powerful, and dangerous alien “flightsuit” as the central plot element, one that I can’t recall coming across in just this way before in my more than 50 years of fairly avidly reading science fiction, to the author’s very interesting and engaging characters, to his exciting plot.
This was a masterful debut book, and I look forward to the upcoming sequel or sequels, which I hope will be of equal quality and interest.
5 Stars!
Brilliantly crafted, well researched and authentic, the author’s narrative style cleverly weaves this novel adventure with just the right amount of characters and plot. Each chapter will pull you into the next as the story evolves into an effortless page-turner. Leo lives in a nearly abandoned former mining town in East Tennessee, a lush and seemingly primordial setting. Here this fourteen-year-old adventurer (by impoverished design) finds the sleeve of an alien adventurer’s Flightsuit, and the story takes off. As he places his arm in the sleeve his life is changed in a terrifying and triumphant manner. No spoiler here so readers beware that this book is full of surprises, from the mind bending ‘hidden’ technologies to the invasive extra sensory abilities of the space traveler. Mr. Deaderick leads each character to the unavoidable and unpredictable ending – or is it? I can’t wait for more.
5 Stars!
Well thought out…many original ideas…good character development.
Mr Deaderick’s effort is praiseworthy. He sets the book in a local, true-to-reality setting in East Tennessee. It isn’t cluttered with too many characters – just enough to help truly develop the story. Leo’s [the main character] innocent quest to find old objects abandoned in the empty mining community and surrounding area catapults him into encounters with other-worldly realities beyond anything he might have imagined possible. He finds an ally in an older man, who instantly takes to him, having lost his own son years before. They wind up working together to discover the reality of the flight suit and its secrets. But there are others interested in the suit, and they wouldn’t hesitate to bring harm to young Leo and his friend in their pursuit of obtaining the suit for their own purposes.
5 Stars!
This is a refreshing and very well written take on the subject of time travel, aliens, first contact, etc. The plot is great, the twists are super, the characters are very well developed, the action is great fun, and I hope to see more of this author.
5 Stars!
I love this story!!! Being from this area of NORTHEAST TENNESSEE it is very easy to relate to the geography of this story. The books are very well written, full of laughter, tears and suspense. I would love to have a third book to find out about Leo’s adventures and Ethan and Melanie’s life together. Again I love this book!
5 Stars!
Flightsuit and Flightpack: 2 of the best books I have read in years. I read hundreds of self-published science fiction books and these are the best of the best. I can’t wait to get the time to get back and read more! They remind me of the books that got me hooked on the genre decades ago: Characters I can identify and like, amazing tech and a story that I really care where it goes. Very good work Tom Deaderick!
5 Stars!
I’ve tremendously enjoyed both of these literate, character-driven novels. I can’t help but be reminded of Heinlein’s juvie, Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, which was a particular favorite when I was very young, some fifty years ago. These are, of course, more modern in their views (thank goodness!) and directed toward a more mature audience (not that they are ‘adult’ in the sense we employ now; rather the vocabulary is more sophisticated than Heinlein’s), though I can easily imagine a bright adolescent enjoying them as much as I have. All in all, without troubling to recapitulate the plot, the series is imaginative and engaging, and Brother is a far more interesting companion than Oscar, though he may harbor darker designs upon our hero.
5 Stars!
Excellent Book, and series. Can’t wait for more. Written in a style that has a lot of good moral scenes, another reader likened Tom to Early Heinlein.
5 Stars!
Two words FANTASTIC and MORE!
5 Stars!
Great mix of character, story, and Sci-Fi. Enjoyed these two books, and would like to see the story continue. The author has the talent to work with multi-level content, giving the reader some food for thought as things progress. Really like the tie-in to Area 51. Let’s enjoy more of Leo and Brother’s adventures.
5 Stars!
My 5 stars are for the two books in this series together. Although they are standalone novels, they are two parts of the same story. After reading Flightsuit (Book 1), I might have given it 4 stars – as other reviewers have noted, the beginning was full of background, and a bit slow paced. But, when I read Flightpack (Book 2), I realized all of that setup gave me insight and perspective into the decisions and choices each character makes as the story progresses. I’ve had a lifelong exposure to science fiction and fantasy, so I often see the same stories and plot lines recycled – but this was a refreshingly new tale. It raises some big philosophical questions about what constitutes life, intelligence, and humanity. I only saw one ‘twist’ coming, and because it was the cliffhanger at the end of Flightsuit it did it’s job of pulling me into the second book 🙂 I highly recommend this series!
5 Stars!
This is great to-the-point sci fi – not too simple and easy enough to follow, this book keeps the reader engaged to the last page. My only gripe is the cliffhanger! The elements of technology and ideas introduced in this book sets the stage for what I can only hope will be a fantastic series.

Tom Deaderick